All of the later models of Life Fitness treadmills, including this one, come with a lubricant-infused belt along with their patented FlexDeck Shock Absorption System which creates an extremely durable design. Also included is the Lifepulse digital heart rate monitoring hand sensors that are conveniently placed where you hands normally go when using a treadmill. You basically just grip the ergo crossbar and get precise heart rate monitoring. Controls are very intuitive and easy to use even for people new to fitness.
DX3 Belt and Deck System Conveniently places the most-used controls right at the user’s fingertips. The patented LifepulseTM digital heart rate monitoring system, including contact hand sensors, provides heart rate monitoring with exact precision; Polar telemetry provides accurate, “hands-free” heart rate monitoring. Stride Sensor Detects when a user leaves the machine and stops the belt after a brief delay. Remove the two large cup holders for easy cleaning.